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Wellness Heaven Award 2015

Wellness Heaven chooses the five best wellness hotels in German-speaking countries, and we had the honour of coming top in the "Best Service" category.
The hotel testers had nominated 87 hotels and from those the users voted online for the five best hotels. We came top in the "Best Service" category!
Only those hotels were nominated for the award which had been given top marks by the hotel testers in one of the five assessment categories: Wellness, Food and Drink, Rooms, Location or Service.
In the Wellness Heaven Awards, it is not a high-calibre jury which makes the decision, but crowds of knowledgeable purchasers of wellness services. The idea behind it is that "crowd intelligence" will reveal the best hotels.
In addition to voting, all users could describe their own personal wellness experience as a way of explaining their assessment.
To receive such high praise from our guests fills us with pride and we would like to thank them for this great compliment!