Bio- und Wellnesshotel Stanglwirt Gold
162 - 07-07-18 HZ Elisabeth und Philipp - L

At the Stanglwirt, the best day of your life becomes even better. In the luxurious yet welcoming atmosphere of the Stanglwirt, you can look forward to a wonderful wedding celebration that all your guests will remember for years to come. Our Events team will be pleased to discuss all your specific requests with you in advance and will ensure that everything runs smoothly behind the scenes. This enables you to concentrate fully on your big day.

  • A wonderful

    A wonderful

    wedding reception

  • Getting married

    Getting married

    at the Stanglwirt

  • Events


    run smoothly

  • Loving attention

    Loving attention

    to detail

  • Say


    "yes" here

In keeping with your special day, our chef de cuisine will also provide declarations of love in a culinary sense. Make sure that you let us know in good time what you would like to have on your wedding menu. We are also happy to prepare quite specific dishes for your function. If you want a small taster of our Stanglwirt wedding menus, you will find some of our menu suggestions below.

Whether on a vast scale, or small and delicate: your wedding at the Stanglwirt will be a memorable event. Ask us and we will gladly organise a special programme of entertainment and matching music for your function. It is best to contact our professional wedding planner in the Events Office straightaway to arrange a personal meeting.
We look forward to your enquiry.

Do you have questions
about an event?

Clara Steiner and her ambitious Stanglwirt event team will take care of the perfect organization of your event, ensuring that it is carried out successfully with a great deal of commitment and professionalism.

Event team

+43 5358 2000 977

Send request
  • A perfect

    A perfect


  • A special

    A special

    programme of entertainment

  • Characterful



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