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Stanglwirt's Kaiser spring
In addition to the amazing wealth of ideas coming from the Stanglwirt's host Balthasar Hauser, another absolutely inexhaustible source of energy is constantly bubbling to the surface. The water from our very own Kaiser spring is a refreshing elixir that rejuvenates your spirit and stirs your soul. The Stanglwirt spring water is also remarkable for its outstanding purity and is an important element in the hotel's ethos of fine dining.
And you won't just be doing yourself some good with every mouthful when you drink our Kaiserwasser water. For the symbolic sum of just 3.80 euros for a 1.5 litre carafe, you will be helping the charity "Menschen für Menschen" (People for People), set up by the late friend of the Stanglwirt, Karlheinz Böhm, and enabling people in the driest regions of the world to have access to clean spring water.
Energy source
Kaiserwasser water
Kaiser spring
Refreshing elixir
High-quality water
The hotel's own spring
Amazing quality
Every mouthful is a pleasure
Simply refreshing
Kaiserwasser spring
A wonderful network of wells
Turn one Stangl spring into many Stangl springs. That's the motto at the Stanglwirt. And, thanks to the hotel's many generous friends and guests, we have already helped to build eight wells in Africa. Furthermore, the first "Wilder Kaiser School" has already opened, for 600 children in Ethiopia. In this way, the Stanglwirt turns money directly into joy. Just one more reason to sample the delicious Stanglwirt spring water.
Creating livelihoods together
Sommeliers have their wine, hop-lovers their beer and baristas their coffee, but the most elementary foundation of all life is widely regarded as a given. Yet for many people, clean drinking water is a real luxury. That's why we believe it is so important to enable people in arid countries to obtain that precious commodity by building wells.
Bubbling thirst-quencher
Kaiser water
A spring of our own
Sheer luxury
Drinking water straight from the spring
Simply delicious
Close to the source of happiness
The high esteem in which water is held at our Green Spa Resort is immediately obvious. We believe that the bubbling thirst-quencher from the Kaiser spring is on a par with the finest wines, and we hold it in equally high regard.
This is in keeping with our hotel's illustrious history, because the Stanglwirt has been known for its excellent water for 400 years.