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Search results for "Impressions"
- Impressions
- Experience the paradise on earth
- Enjoy the winter
- Stanglwirt viewfinder
Whether you want to relive a wonderful experience or have a taster before your next visit, in our Stanglwirt video collection you'll find a wide range of videos showing you everything that the Green Spa Resort has to offer. We hope you enjoy it!
4 - TripAdvisor® Certificate of Excellence 2018
The Certificate of Excellence takes account of the quality, quantity and topicality of reviews submitted on TripAdvisor by travellers over a period of 12 months. As the Stanglwirt has just been awarded the certificate for the fifth time in a row, we have now officially entered into the hall of fame ...
5 - Holiday at the press of a button
- Feel at home
- Press
Here you can find all the information about our media work and can download our press folder or request image photos.
8 - No. 2 in the category "Nature Hotels" in a list of the 222 best hotels in Austria...
An assessment of a hotel is always a mixture of objectively comparable facts and subjectively perceived impressions...
9 - No. 2 in the category "Nature Hotels"
An assessment of a hotel is always a mixture of objectively comparable facts and subjectively perceived impressions...