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Psychological specialist practice
Free yourself from stressful emotions quickly - Change your "program" - Acupressure tapping (EDxTM) according to Dr Fred Gallo EDxTM (Energy Diagnostic and Treatment Methods) - Gain an insight into your energy psychology and learn how acupressure tapping can be a quick and easy self-help method for treating emotional disorders, anxieties and phobias...
Acupressure tapping is a gentle method of energy balancing based on the long-established practice of acupuncture. Even non-experts can use tapping on acupressure points to release stressful feelings and boost their psychological well-being. It's an effective and efficient approach when you need to bring about a change quickly and deal with emotional problems effectively.
"Letting go of negative emotions in which you are trapped, or painful memories, anxieties, anger and much more, paves the way for a longer and healthier life" (Deepak Chopra)
Teaching session: 90 minutes
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