Bio- und Wellnesshotel Stanglwirt Gold
Bjoern -8347

A visit to the Green Spa Resort Stanglwirt stirs your spirit, invigorates your soul and rejuvenates your body. But if you would like to find out exactly how old your body really is, you should visit our medical fitness trainer, Björn Schulz. He will carry out a special body age analysis to find out your current fitness level and will prepare an individual training programme for you which will effectively reduce your body age.


Body Age Minutes Price
Test and analysis approx. 30 minutes € 65,–
Stangl-Med & your health
Stangl-Med & your health

As the professional "spirit" of the Stanglwirt, I help guests and clients to find their inner home again – completing a natural cycle at the Stanglwirt... Discover

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